Tips to make moving easier for toddlers and babies

The best tip for moving with a toddler and babies is that anybody can give his parent’s attention. Engage with your child and play with them which has a greater impact on adaptation to a new place. No matter the age, moving is a daunting challenge. It is even more stressful for families with babies and toddlers. The entire process is complex, not to mention time-consuming. Your new home has to be baby-proofed and all your items need to be packed and labeled. Tips for Moving with a toddler is never gonna easy they are attached to their toy friends place etc.

To ensure follow tips for moving with a toddler smoothly and hassle-free, check out our list of things to do before the big day.
  1. Hire a help: We highly recommend hiring a childcare worker on your moving day. This will give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on the million other things you need to manage. This will also ensure that your child is out of harm’s way when Tips For Moving With A Toddler - Thunder Mom the movers load and unload the boxes. An extra set of hands will take some of the burdens off of your shoulders.
  1. Pack your baby’s belongings towards the end: When you’re sorting your items into boxes, do not pack your child’s toys and gadgets first. This might seem tempting but refrain from doing so. If they throw a tantrum and demand a particular toy, you do not want to go through all your packed items searching for a specific toy. Therefore, we suggest you pack the stuffed animals and playthings towards the end and label them very clearly.
  2. Cover electrical outlets: When you move into your new home, you will be extremely busy unpacking and putting things into place. Due to this, your child may be left to explore the new space by himself, which can be pretty dangerous. Set up baby gates and eliminate window cords as a safety measure. You can also buy child-proof electrical outlets with covers from Amazon.                         

Does moving with a toddler and babies affect them?

Like every other activity in life, even moving has its own sets of pros and cons. While it can be quite tough for some people, others find it to be a breath of fresh air.

Some people argue that it is best to stay in one place so that the child has a “stable” lifestyle. However, stability can be achieved in more than one way. Moving can be a wonderful experience and talking about it with them will reduce their anxiety.  It also teaches kids how to deal with life changes and more importantly to stay calm and poised. Toddlers and young children will often feel a surge of emotions and this experience can teach them how to embrace and express them.

Three points to bear in mind:

  1. a) inform your child about the move well in advance. You do not want to spring such important information on them at the last moment.
  2. b) Surround your child with their favorite toys, books, and movies.
  3. c) Pack your toddlers’ or babies’ items at the end and unpack them first.
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