Harmful affect of Retinol on your unborn child

Self-consciousness is just one of the many problems that a woman has to deal with in her pregnancy. if women get to know how much retinol harm her unborn child she never gonna use it for sure. Many times, women resort to harmful solutions like consuming retinol while pregnant. Of the many things to worry about here, one of the most worrisome is the skin. Acne, dryness, and discoloration are just a few. These things can get a woman standing before a mirror worrying for hours. And before she knows it, she jumps to the first solution placed before her, like retinol and Zofran.

However, we need to know that as mothers expect a healthy baby, there are some things we need to leave out of the beauty kit. Retinol could be one among them. Retinol affect not only mother but has harmful affect on fetus. Through this article, we try to make them aware of how much retinol is dangerous for life in her womb.

What are Retinoids?

Retinoids are nothing but Vitamin that comes in the form of man-made substances to cure problems with the skin. Women use it because it can give you glowing skin during your pregnancy. Retinol is a dermatologist’s favorite because of the benefits but let me assure you It is very much dangerous to the fetus. You need to know that it can cause long-term side effects to your baby, and these are not minor ones.

What’s Wrong About Retinol In Pregnancy and how much harmful retinoid for the fetus?

There is a condition called “fetal retinoid syndrome” which causes physical and mental birth defects in the newborn because of the use of retinol during pregnancy. Healthline explains how retinol works on the skin and the number of side effects it can have too.

True, you may have heard a lot about what’s right, the renewal it brings to your skin, the healthy glow that it provides, and so on. But know that you can have adverse effects too if this is used against the advice of a good doctor.

Not every woman taking retinol may come across the below side effects. Yet some women could face a problem which is why this drug needs to be taken seriously. Falling under the FDA C category, retinol can be one of the most harmful substances for an expecting mother and her baby.

That being said, the following are some of the effects of taking retinol while pregnant:
  • Unstable formation of a fetus’ spine
  • Widely spaced eyes
  • Narrow ear canals or missing ears
  • Abnormal hearing or hearing loss
  • Cleft palate or cleft lip
  • Toxicity in a baby’s liver
  • Mental birth defects

And to think we got to see all of this because we wanted to look beautiful in our pregnancy is too painful a thought, isn’t it?

So let’s be wise. There are other ways to remain slim and healthy in our pregnancy. If you are wondering whether pregnant women can have protein shakes, and food to avoid  during pregnancy this can be a very healthy drink in your pregnancy.

Birth defects are one of the last things that an expectant mother looks forward to in her unborn child. If you are one of them, a doctor’s advice is of utmost importance. Seek advice before resorting to any issue that you come across in your pregnancy. the severity of the harmful effect of retinol is that it involves a developmental defect in the craniofacial region, cardiac, CNS, and thymic malformation.

It is important to note that problems arising from retinol consumption during pregnancy are indeed life-threatening. However, they may not be the same for all fetuses but can greatly vary by type and intensity.

If You Still Think retinol like a harmful thing is Needed During Pregnancy

Now, a lot of women, on reading this, can speak in its defense. They could state that retinol contains Vitamin A which is much needed for the development of a mother and a baby. But retinol may contain a little too much, which can make it very harmful to an unborn baby. Hence is something we can take only on the advice of a doctor, no matter what brand name they come under and how promising the writings on the packaging can be.

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