Screen time for kids are really good or not?

Various study shows that screen time for kids harms their cognitive, emotional, and social behavior. In this digital age, it is impossible to avoid the use of screens altogether. Benefits of screen time for kids are found but the harmful impact on the child’s behavior is reported in the last 5 years. Is screen timing a boon or curse for your child depends on how much time he spends on it.  Controlling and limiting the amount of time your child spends staring at a screen is important. It demands excellent patience. It is important to note that you do not have to eliminate the use of digital items. Such as TVs, mobile phones, and Ipads because these are a great way to educate your child. Your aim must be to provide a well-balanced mix. An ideal mix of digital educational content and social interaction.

Is high screen time for children impact their behavior?

Research has shown that spending a significant amount of time on screen is dangerous for your child. Hence, Time on electronic media can cause the following issues among young children:

  1. Obesity
  2. Irregular sleep patterns and insomnia
  3. Loss of social skills
  4. Kids tend to get violent
  5. Behavioral issues
  6. Excessive use of mobile devices can cause speech delays among toddlers.
  7. Poor performance on development tests

Limitation of tv time for child really helpful?

The American Academy of Pediatrics always recommends a maximum of two hours of screen time in the case of teens and young children. The recommended screen time forScreen time for kids the ages 2 to 5 is one hour a day, and for those below two, it is a maximum of one hour per day. Therefore, technology is an invaluable asset in terms of education and learning. Moderation is the key. Hence, Access to laptops and computers should be the primary source of entertainment. But, Face-to-face communication is vital and over-dependence on technology can switch that with cold texts and social media.

Specific rules need to be put into place to ensure that children and teens do not become too attached to their tablets and computers. For example, parents can set a few areas in the house as “media-free zones”. This means that in certain parts of the house, like the bedroom or dinner table, the use of electronic devices is prohibited (this, of course, applies to adults as well). Actively participate and engage with your children because they learn what they see. It would be best if you practiced what you preach.

Rules you need to establish to ensure that kids develop a healthy relationship with digital platforms:

  1. Communicate with your children: explain to them that specific sites are inappropriate and should not be accessed under any circumstances. Monitor the type of content your child consumes, the games they play, the people they interact with online, and the movies they watch. Parents should bar access to large social media platforms until their kids are mature and responsible.
  2. Set a reasonable limit on screen time: the internet is an essential tool and very often used to complete homework and assignments set by the school board. Due to this, children end up spending a considerable part of their day hungover on laptops and desktops. As a parent, you need to understand their schedule and set a time that allows them to work AND relax on the internet.
  3. Media mistakes are OK: Even though you are monitoring your child’s activities online, there might be times when they slip up and make a mistake. Do not fret, such things happen. Encourage them to seek your help anytime they feel they have made a mistake and use that opportunity to teach them to be better.

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