A new concept of the era, pregnancy exercises

pregnancy exercises are important because you’re moving into the next trimester. Soon you will begin to see changes in your body. Worried about gaining weight during your pregnancy? It’s time for pregnancy exercises. According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s very important to build on your exercise, week by week, when pregnant.

Let’s leave the couch and that jar of raw mangoes which you should anyway not be eating. It’s now time to do pregnancy exercises and get fit, serious and healthy, and in the process, happy as you await the new baby.And this doesn’t just mean consuming protein shakes all day! You’ve got to sweat it out too. But wait! Before you hit the gym and start speeding off over a treadmill, here’s some advice. Know that these are not the kind of exercises that you are advised to do during your pregnancy.

So, what are the best exercises that are going to be good for you and the baby? We shall see:

pregnancy exercises for Women

To begin with, let’s sweat it out with these exercises that are safe, easy, and finally healthy for you and your baby:

Stomach Strengthening most important pregnancy exercises:

Stomach strengthening exercises can go a long way in preventing the problem of backache during pregnancy. Let’s see how we do it:

  • Exercises For Pregnant WomenLie upside down on all fours (make sure to keep your back straight)
  • Now, pull in the muscles of your stomach. Raise your back as high as you can
  • Stay in this position for a few more seconds
  • Now return to position
  • Repeat this same exercise a couple of times

Pelvic Exercises

If there’s one area that becomes the most vulnerable at the time of pregnancy, it’s the pelvis. And so for this, we have a pelvic exercise that could do good to your pelvis during your pregnancy. Here’s one:

Now, this is going to need a lot of imagination, so get ready:

  • Imagine holding yourself when you want to use the toilet but can’t? Do that now
  • Now, imagine holding a tampon in your vagina, or stopping your urine? Do that
  • Tighten and release, tighten and release, first fast, then slowly, counting one to ten for each.

Easy, wasn’t it? Now, here’s another one for you to strengthen your pelvis:

The Pelvic Tilt

  • Lean against the wall, shoulders and bottom meeting the wall (yeah, the way you would when punished in school)
  • Try to place your entire back as flatly as you can against the wall
  • Hold this for about 5 seconds, and release.
  • Wait for a few seconds and repeat
  • Do this a couple of times more

Final Words about pregnancy workout

And apart from this, there are also various other low-impact cardio exercises that you can do. Some of them are going for a brisk walk, mild push-ups, and squats to name a few. And if you have a child around, all the better. Get him to join you! Have some fun together as you prepare for a new baby.

Exercising during pregnancy is safe as long as you remember you are carrying a baby. So, don’t go all out for an intense session of mountain climbing or scuba diving.

We know that pregnancy can leave you wanting to do a lot of things. So make a list and plan a date for them all sometime post-pregnancy. But for now, let’s just do some mild exercise that would be safe and good for you and the baby.

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