Gender neutral parenting future of the new world?

gender neutral parenting pros and consGender-neutral or non-binary parenting means raising your child without the forced gender norms, the most common one being ‘pink for girls and blue for boys. This includes allowing them to wear whatever they want, playing any games they want, and just being treated neutrally.

Being a gender-neutral parent: What should you know?

Gender-neutral parenting is still in its baby stage but is quickly gaining popularity among new generation parents. Why? It comes with many benefits for your child, see for yourself:


  • Your child gets to exercise the most basic human right: the right to freedom of choice. Without being subjected to gender stereotypes, your child is more tuned with their thoughts and can choose their gender whenever they feel like it.
  • Children who are raised gender-neutral, tend to be more creative and have more hobbies and interests.
  • It can also increase your child’s self-esteem and make them feel confident.
  • They also turn out to be better people as they can look at any situation without bias or stereotyping.

But, like every good thing, it also comes with a set of disadvantages:

  • Gender-neutral kids are more prone to bullying in school as they can be made fun of for their choices.
  • Explaining gender-neutral parenting to everyone around you, and expecting them to treat your child the same way might be difficult.
  • Your child may feel difficulty in blending with other kids, as they don’t fit the ‘norm’.
  • Without early exposure to gender, children can also feel more confused about their identity.
  • You have to set realistic expectations. A boy child who likes sports should not be pressured into liking dress-up games for the sake of gender neutrality.

How to practice non binary parenting?

Gender-neutral parenting can be a little complicated, so here are a few simple ways in which you can raise your child in a non-binary fashion:

  1. Avoid labeling your kid in everyday conversations. Instead of the words ‘boy’ or ‘girl’, you can simply use the words ‘kid’, ‘child’ or ‘baby’ when talking to or about your child.
  2. Encourage your kids to have friends of all genders. This will expose them to different types of activities which can help them explore more about themselves.
  3. Avoid stereotyping pinks and blues, but don’t eliminate them entirely. If your child likes either of those colors, let them wear it but not as an attribute to their gender.
  4. Do not prevent your child from forming gender identity. Rather, encourage them to explore other genders and ensure them that they are accepted regardless of their choice.
  5. Focus more on your kid’s values, qualities, and talents. It will show your kid that gender isn’t the only way they can define themselves.
  6. Assure your kid that you are open to any doubts or ideas they might have regarding their gender identity.


The ultimate aim of gender-neutral parenting is to raise an independent individual who is beyond societal gender norms. It is a good idea to weigh its pros and cons before deciding on whether you want to raise your child in a gender-neutral style. But remember, that gender-neutral parenting should be encouraged and not imposed!


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