Enjoy gaining weight during pregnancy without worry

If there’s one thing that most expectant mothers dread but can’t help facing, it’s gaining weight during pregnancy. Is this a good thing? Or is it not? Will my baby be affected? What do I do about it?

 gaining weight during pregnancy

These are some of the questions that come to the mind of a mother moving into the next trimester of her pregnancy and seeing inches increasing around her body. So, here we are to address each of them:

How Much Should You Gain Weight During Pregnancy?

What To Expect says you need to know how much weight you should gain in your pregnancy. So, how do you realize when those extra inches from your pregnancy are forgivable and when you need to keep an eye on what you have been eating? Here’s a way out.

A lot of experienced expectant mothers refer to what is known as the pregnancy weight gain chart, which gives you details on the weight you are gaining and how much of it is healthy.

Some healthy tips for gaining weight during pregnancy:

By processing information about your body like your height and weight before and at the time of pregnancy, this is a pregnancy weight gain calculator that helps you arrive at the right conclusion as to whether the weight you have gained is healthy.

And what if it’s not? Well, then, it’s just time you started eating healthy. Get some exercise and go for a walk each day and you’ll soon find yourself getting happy and healthy. if you are gaining weight during pregnancy.

Healthy Snacking 

We understand that all expectant moms tend to reach out for a snack now and then, which is okay, as long as the snack is healthy. And this can do a world of good to your baby.

pregnancy weight gain

The choices are endless from salads to an assortment of nuts and seeds, from soups (you need a lot of fluid during your pregnancy, remember?) to healthy pasta rich in protein, with perhaps some meat.

You just have to begin by putting away those rich brownies and the above will soon look interesting.

Drink, Drink, Drink

We know water is boring. And moreover, juices can do a world of good to your baby, and the options are endless too. So, get the juicer out. We’re up for some serious squeezing, mixing, and grinding to give your baby all the minerals and vitamins he needs.


Now, we didn’t have to bring that point, did we? But chances are we have become lazy and need a reminder to learn some pregnancy exercises.

Apart from that, you can take a brisk walk down the beach or head to the nearest park for some fresh air, much needed for you and your baby.


Finally, Don’t Worry

When a pregnant woman’s body grows, it mainly means that the tissues are developing along with the development of the baby inside and the body is getting ready for breastfeeding.

So, if you find that you are no longer fitting into that sleek gown or stylish top, don’t worry. You’ve something more beautiful coming your way. You’re becoming a mommy.

However, you also need to keep in mind: how much weight do you gain in your pregnancy? So, watch what you eat as those extra muffins you’re always craving can turn out to be the culprit behind all those extra inches that may not be very safe for your baby.

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